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Olympic Flame Morocco
Selma outarahout osteopatheSponsor
selma outarahout osteopathe Icon
''Selma Outarahout is an Osteopath, graduated in Paris, she practices in Paris and Rabat. She is registered with the Regional Health Agency of Paris (ARS) and in the Directory of Health Professionals of France (RPPS). In Rabat, she receives consultation at the United Nations Clinic. ''
+212537206688 | View ProfileRabat, Maroc, rabat Morocco
Magicine pharmaSponsor
Magicine pharma Icon
The Biliary Drainage Stent is a medical equipment used for relieving the obstruction in the liver caused by a blocked bile duct system. This medical device is inserted into the liver via the skin for draining the obstruction. The signs of the blocked bile duct are jaundice (yellowing of the skin), dark urine, light stools, and others. Enquire about the biliary drainage stent price on Magicine Pharma today!
09319113130 | View Profilenew delhi, Please Select Option Morocco
Notre principale fonctionnalité de CITY DOCTOR est d'administrer et de coordonner les services d'assistance médicale pour nos clients nationale et internationale.Nous fournissons une panoplie de services d’assistance médicaux, parmi lesquels les Visites Médicales à Domicile, le Transport Sanitaire Ambulance Terrestre, le Rapatriement Sanitaire, les Prélèvement d'Analyses Biologiques à Domicile et la Télé-consultation en cas d'urgence médicale. Tous nos services respectent les critères les plus stricts de qualité et transparence
0537657657 | View ProfileRabat, Morocco