Metalas1lauzasSponsor |
Metalo laužas yra ne tik atlieka, bet ir antrine žaliava, turinti savo rinkos verte !!! Todel metalo laužo rinkimas apsaugo gamta nuo užteršimo ir tuo paciu duoda finansine nauda. Metalo laužas susidaro ivairiai, tai ir smulkus buitinis laužas susidarantis buityje, bet ir dideli irengimai, transporto priemones ar konstrukcijos. Todel musu imones veikloje ne tik buitinio juodojo ar spalvotojo metalo supirkimas, bet ir užsiimame veikla susijusia su: |
865986547 | View ProfileVilnius, Select Lithuania |
TechzitySponsor |
We believe that work is about people and ideas. Our spaces are crowded with forward thinkers, innovators, and game changers who are confident in their ability to achieve their goals. |
301-771-8504 | View ProfileVilnius, Lithuania |
Lords of the landsSponsor |
Lords of The Lands (LOL) is a utility-driven metaverse project, earning its holders monthly rentals.Lords of The Lands (LOL) is a utility-driven metaverse project, futuristic new age medieval world ruled by its neo billionaires known as Lords. Built on the Ethereum network, the LOL metaverse can be accessed through iOS, Android, Web and other virtual reality applications.The project aims to become the future of gaming, entertainment and ecommerce while generating passive-income for its holders.LOL is bringing its first presale collection of 255 Lords and 300 Lands. The project has already started the registration for the Allowlist to book its whitelisting spot through the Premint website (premint.xyz/LOL).Final ThoughtsAs per many industry experts, in the list of recently launched metaverse projects, “Lords of the Lands” has major potential to become the “Next Blue-chip”.To register for the LOL Whitelisting raffle click here( premint.xyz/LOL).Website: https://www.lordsofthelands.ioTwitter: https://twitter.com/LordsOfTheLandsDiscord: https://discord.gg/hnCf6WJg5fPremint Registrations: https://www.premint.xyz/LOLTeam LOLLords of the [email protected] |
View ProfileVilnius, Lithuania |
Best Treatment for High Blood PressureSponsor |
Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is dangerous because it can lead to stroke, heart attack, heart failure or kidney disease. The goal of treating hypertension is to lower high blood pressure and protect vital organs such as the brain, heart and kidneys from damage. According to studies, treating hypertension is associated with a reduction in strokes (35%-40% on average), heart attacks (20%-25%) and heart failure (more than 50%). |
865244099 | View ProfileLithuania, Lithuania Lithuania |
LazybosSponsor |
Kaip visa gyvenima trunkantis sporto gerbejas ir lažybininkas, jis labai vertina sporto lažybu jauduli. Jis yra isipareigojes padeti kitiems patirti ta pati jauduli, sumažindamas rizika ir padidindamas atlygi. Jo žinios ir patirtis daro ji vertingu šaltiniu visiems, norintiems pasisekti sporto lažybu pasaulyje. |
View ProfileVilnius, Lithuania |
BiofaSponsor |
“Biofa Lietuva“ yra oficialus kompanijos Biofa Naturprodukte W.Hann Gmbh atstovai LietuvojeBiofa ikurta 1983 metais, Vokietijoje, biosferos zonoje – Švabijos Alpiu papedeje, kurortiniame Bad Bol miestelyje.Savo atstovybes turi daugiau nei 30-yje šaliu.Kompanija gamina naturalius dažus,aliejus,vaškus,glazuras,lakus, valymo ir priežiuros produktus iš atsinaujinancios žaliavos,be žalos mus supanciai aplinkai.Pagrindine BIOFA filosofija – tiekti itin veiksmingus ekologiškus produktus, nekenksmingus žmoniu, gyvunu ir musu aplinkos sveikatai. |
+37069909474 | View Profile?????, Lithuania |